{lang: 'ru'} МЕКОНГСКИЙ БОБТЕЙЛ питомник Кофеин Прайд. Меконгский бобтейл КУПИТЬ КОТЯТА всех окрасов с фото
Суббота, 27.07.2024, 07:27

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mekong bobtail

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(the old name – THAI BOBTAIL CATS)

mekong bobtail cats cattery  

Cofein Pride cattery engage in breeding of  unique Russian breed of  cats -  Mekong Bobtail.

WorldWide delivery of Mekong bobtail kittens!


The origin, history of the Mekong bobtail cats breed, colors and character of the Mekong Bobtail cats, Mekong Bobtail breed standard, Mekong bobtail breed characteristics, feeding, care and maintenance, training, tips for all occasions  the kitten, photos (pictures) of Mekong Bobtail cats and kittens of various color and age, Mekong bobtail kittens for sale, International Journal about the Mekong Bobtail cats, greeting cards with cats and kittens (gif), etc. You can order and buy the Mekong Bobtail kitten (Thai bobtail), to get acquainted with our Mekong Bobtail CATS of classic, rare and unique colors, ask questions about the Mekong Bobtail cats and get an answer.





We have available mekong bobtail kittens !





Managing Director and owner  of Cofein-Pride cattery is Olga Opriatina



E-Mail : tmbr@ya.ru

Phone : +7 926 650 7630

Skype : Cofein Pride

Moscow, Russia


Kittens worldwide shipping



MEKONG BOBTAIL an ancient outstanding breed of short-tailed royal cats. Their origin is shrouded in legend. Mekong bobtail cat is half dog and half human, a little God in a beautiful graceful cat’s body. For many centuries these amazing cats have been admired, respected and even worshipped by their royal patrons. And today their spectacular exotic appearance, bright character and unusually high intelligence conquer the hearts! Once settled in your soul the Mekong Bobtail will stay there forever. Such is the amazing power of these creatures! 



Photos of Mekong Bobtail cats of different colors (of Cofein-PRIDE breeding)

Mekong Bobtail  Video (breeding  MEKONG BOBTAIL cattery of Cofein-PRIDE)

Mekong BOBTAIL cats at the International Cat Shows (MEKONG BOBTAIL cattery Cofein-Pride)

Mekong Bobtail Cat Breed



Mekong bobtail cats and kittens of Cofein Pride cattery. Mekong Bobtail kittens for sale. Mekong bobtail Colors.

Choose your  Mekong Bobtail kitten!


A little God in a beautiful graceful cat’s body! For many centuries these amazing cats have been admired, respected and even worshipped by their royal patrons. And today their spectacular exotic appearance, bright character and unusually high intelligence conquer the hearts! Once settled in your soul, the Mekong Bobtail will stay there forever...

The Mekong Bobtail looks at people with Buddha’s eyes… straight into your soul, never looking away. It is impossible to forget those big eyes of all the shades of sapphire and turquoise. Though it is a rare breed, Mekong Bobtail’s popularity is growing steadily. It is assumed that the breed name Mekong Bobtail is symbolical and has occurred from the name of the river Mekong, dividing Thailand with other states of South East Asia. This native breed was first recognised in Russia.

Spectacular looks…

The Mekong Bobtail is a surprising, original breed with a charming short tail. She is a colour-pointed cat, medium-sized, with developed musculature, but slender and elegant. Paws are fine and oval, tail is short with different combinations of kinks or curves. The coat is short and glossy, almost without undercoat, close-lying. Her ears are of medium size, broad at the base while eyes are blue, almond-shaped, slightly slanting.

Unique attributes…

Main feature of Mekong Bobtail is her famous character! She is a cat with a dog’s soul - the most loyal and devoted friend with a big, hot and brave heart. ‘The cat who walks by itself’ - this statement is absolutely not about her! Mekong Bobtail happy only with you, shoulder to shoulder, in trouble and in joy, friends forever!

Sweet demeanor…

They are alive, inventive and naturally intelligent. Their gaiety, perfect intuition and passion for children and any other little ones is commendable. The intelligent, mentally stable cat gets along well with children, dogs, other cats, as well as more exotic animals like guinea pigs, parrots and even rats! They are really talkative cats but neither annoying nor clamorous.

Living with her…

Your cat will follow you wherever you go. The cat will joyfully greet you at the door; she may even get your slippers. An irrepressible curiosity and attachment to humans make the Mekong Bobtail a participant in all family functions. She is a very neat, diplomatic, obedient and well-behaved cat. No matter where you are – at home, at a party, in the country, in a forest – she will give you no trouble at all! Travelling with her is pure pleasure! The Mekong Bobtail gets accustomed, not to premises, but to humans.

Besides, they have a pronounced hunting instinct: there will be no bug, worm, fly or mouse in your house. When you are not well, she will come efficiently and lay on the sore spot. Often Mekong Bobtails take upon themselves dogs’ responsibility reacting on a door bell by a funny yelp. But the fun may end right here: the Bobtail will not let just anybody in the house!

Walk and play…

She likes playing with sticks and different toys. She will love to sit on your shoulder while going out as well as walking on a leash.

Grooming and care…

These cats do not require any special care. It’s enough to brush the coat once or twice a week to remove dead hair, wipe the inside of the ears with a cotton ball moistened with feline ear treatment and trim claws if necessary. There is no hair in the house even during shedding.

Healthy cat…

Mekong Bobtails have excellent health and a strong immune system.

Amazing qualities…

  • They have an incredible jumping ability (she can leap from the floor up to one meter and a half or even more).
  • They have the ability to reproduce even in extreme old age.
  • Extraordinary offspring care (females as well as males are excellent parents. Both of them care for kittens of theirs’ and sometimes others as well).
  • The Mekong Bobtail’s family is a matriarchal one. If there is a cat couple, the wife will be the family’s head and the cat will become a henpecked husband.
  • Males do not have the habit of territory marking.






BOBTAIL CATS  - MEKONG (THAI) BOBTAIL  for sale! Available Mekong BOBTAIL kittens of classical - seal-point, rare - tabby-point, blue-point, tortie-point, red-point and unique - chocolate-point, lilac-point, cream-point colours from Cofein Pride cattery (WCF).  Shipping to the all destinations. Contact us right now!

mekong bobtail cats and children

on the picture: our mekong bobtail cats  and our children - play together... Photo by Alex Opryatin.

All images are the property of  Cofein Pride cattery. Photos by Alex Opryatin. Use of photos without written permission of the author possible.

 translatedby Google


Assol di Cofein-Pride Disqualification, ban breeding (0)
Congratulations to Lassie Moore of Cofein-Pride - BEST of BEST II (0)
Lassie Moore of Cofein-Pride in TV news (0)
Olessia of Cofein-Pride - our congratulations! (0)
TOP CAT rating - mekong bobtail BOS Junior - Assol Di Cofein-Pride (0)
TOP CAT 2014 - the BEST mekong bobtail kitten - Atos Di Cofein-Pride (0)
Favorit of Cofein-Pride - the first cat show (MFA) (0)
International cat show, Ussuriysk, November, 2014 - congratulations to Cofein-Pride! (0)
Lessie Moore of Cofein-Pride - show girl (0)
Mekong BOBTAIL - Kittens of rare and unique colors (0)
Our children and grandchildren: International cat show, Praha, Brno, CZ (FIFE) (0)
"Dog and Cat" Russian Magazine about Mekong Bobtail (0)
Lassie Moore of Cofein-pride excellent show results (WCF, AFC) (0)
Our MEKONG BOBTAIL grandchildren in the Czech Republic (0)
International Cat Show, Calenzano 14-15 dicembre 2013. Mekong Bobtail JASMIN PRINCESSE OF COFEIN PRIDE (0)
Our children and grandchildren at the international show, Murmansk, 4-5 January, 2013. Great success! (0)
Mekong bobtail Astrid Princess of Cofein-Pride open the title Euro Champion WCF (0)
Mekong bobtail kittens available: november litter, 2013. (0)
The Best litter and the best shorthair female, International cat show, november, 23-24 (0)



Assol di Cofein-Pride Disqualification, ban breeding
Congratulations to Lassie Moore of Cofein-Pride - BEST of BEST II
Lassie Moore of Cofein-Pride in TV news
Olessia of Cofein-Pride - our congratulations!
TOP CAT rating - mekong bobtail BOS Junior - Assol Di Cofein-Pride
TOP CAT 2014 - the BEST mekong bobtail kitten - Atos Di Cofein-Pride
Favorit of Cofein-Pride - the first cat show (MFA)
International cat show, Ussuriysk, November, 2014 - congratulations to Cofein-Pride!
Lessie Moore of Cofein-Pride - show girl

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